Brazilian Navy dispatches Latin America’s largest warship to aid Rio Grande do Sul relief efforts

Brazilian Navy dispatches Latin America’s largest warship to aid Rio Grande do Sul relief efforts

THE Brazilian Navy is set to use the largest warship in Latin America to assist in the rescue operations, and transporting of supplies to Rio Grande do Sul state.

The ship will carry eight medium and small boats and two mobile water treatment stations.

“According to the Brazilian Navy, its fleet flagship, the “Multipurpose Aircraft Carrier ‘Atlântico,” will depart Rio de Janeiro’s Naval Base on Wednesday, Brazil time, to Rio Grande do Sul.

Since the heavy rain started last week, the death toll has increased to 85, and more than one hundred fifty thousand people have been displaced from their homes in the said state.

The Argentine government has extended assistance to Brazil due to the tragedy in Rio Grande do Sul.

Additionally, the Uruguayan government will dispatch a helicopter and crew from its air force to aid Brazil’s rescue efforts.

Meanwhile, Venezuela’s chancellor, representing President Nicolás Maduro, expressed solidarity and support for the Brazilian people.


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