OVERSEAS Filipino Workers residing in Nagaoka, a City in Japan’s Niigata prefecture, held a Maisug Forum at Aore City Hall Plaza on July 15th.
Despite their busy schedule, some overseas Filipino workers from the Japanese City of Niigata spared time to attend the Maisug Forum aimed at spreading awareness of what’s truly happening in the country.
Among those who attended the forum were teachers from PETJ or Philippine education and Technology in Japan, engineers and factory workers.
The forum was organized by the Maisug Japan chapter to educate fellow Filipinos about transparency, accountability, peace and security.
Some of the speakers who gave their opinions via zoom were former Presidential Spokesperson Atty. Harry Roque, Former Undersecretary and LKAB Anchor Dr. Lorraine Badoy, Atty. Anna Malindog-Uy, Atty. Glenn Chong and vlogger Ms. Maharlika.
OFWs also had the opportunity to speak out and freely ask questions to the speakers.
“Here in Japan, it’s seldom for us to gather like this, we learned a lot and were able to reflect on how we can contribute more as Filipinos even if we are far from our country,” Zarina Hosaka- School Owner said.
“If I will rate the Marcos government from 1 to 10 I’ll rate them 1. Why? Because I am not seeing any changes in our country just when we hope the economy will improve under his leadership, however, there were still no changes,” Ms. Mary – PETJ Nagaoka said.
Most of the attendees supported BBM in the 2022 presidential elections, with the hope that BBM will continue the political will of the Duterte administration.
OFWs also expressed their gratitude to SMNI for being a trustworthy news agency and for its contribution for nation building.
“Thank you so much for helping shed some light because it’s necessary for us to get educated like this. Thank you so much to SMNI, Maisug Tokyo, and to the speakers who joined us today. Thank you so much,” Juvy Lala Abecia – Ceo School Owner said.
“First, I would like to thank SMNI for having this kind of platform where our fellow Filipinos will be able to see and hear us in different parts of the world,” Aireen Oikawa- Singer / Composer
In the end, OFW’s expressed their satisfaction with the amount of enlightenment they have received during the forum.