KOJC special message on recent issues

KOJC special message on recent issues

False assumptions that Pastor Apollo C. Quiboloy or the Kingdom of Jesus Christ are involved in alleged killing of member who went out of the Kingdom and several names were revealed but not yet as clear and several names of members who went out and got killed by unknown assailant and unknown causes. These false assumptions of death of these individuals are again ascribed to PACQ or KOJC.

We do think these are the handiwork of dissidents with evil connections in the killing of those former members then put the blame on PACQ or KOJC to deal the final blow of their demolition job on PACQ or KOJC as dictated by their evil playbook on how to destroy a man. The timing of the exposure of their allegations is suspicious, just right after the heels of June 10 day of infamy and recently the August 24 September 8 illegal and unlawful siege of the Kingdom Central Compound in Davao City.

The interval of succession of these unfortunate allegations are timed to arise one after another, so the trial by publicity will not lose steam as allegations after another allegations keep coming.

Spiritually, KOJC looks at this as the work of demonic forces trying to derail the ministry and message of the Appointed Son.

KOJC looks at these allegations of all sorts as spent bullets of the enemy that are nothing more than indiscriminate annoyance. Rape, sexual abuse, child abuse, human trafficking, etc, and now murder. What more can you think of to blacken the name of PACQ or KOJC? And what maybe the probable cause or motive of the accusers to do these dastardly acts? Money? Jealousy or envy? PACQ’s phenomenal success? Crab mentality? But whatever motivates them is probably coming from a deranged mind of a loser.

Losers go crazy at the success of others especially the object of their envy or jealousy. Dreams of success that others were able to attain but losers cannot have may drive them at a frenzied state of self-destruct, and want to take others with them in their miserable state of self-pity.

History tells us LOSER NEVER WINS!

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