THERE was a commotion between PNP-SAF and CIDG officers and the missionary workers of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ (KOJC) early Monday morning—June 10.
Amid the missionaries’ morning devotional, they were disrupted by the presence of police who appeared to be ready for battle.
According to Atty. Israelito Torreon, legal counsel of KOJC, the church members’ reaction was normal given that the police attempted to serve their arrest warrant without prior notice, and during the early morning hours.
“Don’t just go straight in at 3:45 in the morning. And then, if someone tries to prevent you, you get angry. Of course, the members will get angry… they were praying and then you go there fully armed in full-battle gear. What message are you trying to send? War?” said Atty. Israelito Torreon, KJC Legal Counsel.
Atty. Torreon stated there wouldn’t have been an issue if the authorities had coordinated their operation in advance.
In addition to the Central Compound, the authorities also raided four other compounds in Davao City and Kitbog, Sarangani.
However, they carried arrest warrants, not search warrants.
According to Torreon, there is a proper protocol for operations, and the KOJC Administrator for Properties, former President Duterte, should have been notified.
“Coordinate with the principal of the properties, who is former President Rodrigo Duterte. He is the current administrator. They know this. It’s well-publicized and they should follow their protocol,” added Torreon.
Atty. Torreon emphasized that freedom of religion and religious worship is heavily protected.
The raiding authorities violated this by disrupting the compound during a religious activity like devotional prayers.
This is stated in Article 132 of the revised penal code.
“They should remember that this is a holy place as far as the members are concerned. Any manifestations of religion can be exercised here. Preventing or disturbing religious manifestations is a crime under Article 132 of the revised penal code,” said Atty. Torreon.
Torreon noted that the penalty for Article 132 ranges from six months to six years imprisonment.
KOJC is considering filing a case.
They emphasized that the constitution values the freedom of worship in the country.
Meanwhile, Torreon has some reminders to the authorities that KOJC members are not enemies.
KOJC legal counsel reminds PNP: Kingdom members are not enemies
“We reiterate, KOJC members are not enemies of the PNP. We are not your enemies. In fact, for a long time… the KOJC members and SMNI have been supporting the efforts of the PNP against terrorism and lawlessness. We are just really saddened by the actions of the PNP now in violating the basic rights of the KOJC members,” he added.