PSC, Ormoc City gov’t continue benchmarking at Rizal Memorial Sports Complex

PSC, Ormoc City gov’t continue benchmarking at Rizal Memorial Sports Complex

THE Philippine Sports Commission (PSC) and City Government of Ormoc continued the benchmarking today at the conference room in Rizal Memorial Sports Complex.

PSC Chairman Richard E. Bachmann graced the benchmarking activity led by Program, Research and Development Division (PRDD) Chief Dr. Lauro O. Domingo, Jr. together with the unit heads and staff. Ormoc City representatives had a discussion about the programs of PSC that will possibly be implemented in their areas.

The Ormoc City sent their appreciation to the agency and Chairman Bachmann for the continuous support on their sports development in their Local Government Unit. PSC Exec. Dir. Paulo Francisco C. Tatad received the certificate and welcomed the representatives from Ormoc City.


Editor’s Note: This article has been sourced from the Philippine Sports Commission Facebook Page.


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