THE second day of the Russia-Africa Summit kicked off on Friday wherein Russian President Vladimir Putin lauded the growing political, and economic power of Africa.
The era of the hegemony of one or several states is fading into the past.
This is what Russian President Vladimir Putin told African leaders who attended the second day of the Russian-Africa Summit in St. Petersburg on Friday.
Putin believes that Africa’s political and economic power is growing, and at the same time, the ex-dominant world powers are losing their influence.
The Russian President said, “Before our eyes, the African continent is becoming a new center of power. Its political and economic role is growing exponentially. And everyone will have to reckon with this objective reality.”
He stressed that the era of the hegemony of one or several states is fading despite resistance from those seeking to maintain a monopoly on world affairs.
Putin also promised that Russia will continue to expand its interaction with African countries, saying that it is a natural process.
During the event, the Russian president also mentioned that his country boosted food supplies to African countries despite sanctions and promised Moscow will be a responsible supplier of agricultural produces, including free of charge to countries in need.
Many African countries rely heavily on Russia and Ukraine for their grain imports.
In fact, U.N. data shows that between 90-100% of the wheat Somalia and Eritrea needs comes from the two countries.
While 15 Other African countries imported over 50 percent of their wheat products from Russia or Ukraine.
Thus, the termination of the Black Sea grain deal sent shockwaves to the world, with many African countries reeling from the impact.
But according to Putin, Russia has repeatedly extended the deal in good faith despite the other parties failing to fulfill the full agreement, and that tonnes of fertilizer exports failed to fully reach African nations as the majority remains in Europe.
“Out of 262,000 tons of the fertilizers blocked in European ports, we’ve managed to ship only two lots: merely 20,000 tons to Malawi and 34,000 tons to Kenya. The rest remains in the hands of the Europeans,” Pres. Vladimir Putin, Russian Federation said.
Putin: Russia boosting grain supplies to Africa despite ‘illegal’ sanctions
To recall, Putin offered to provide free grain to six African countries, and that the shipments will be ready within months.
Each will receive 25,000 to 50,000 tonnes of grain and Russia will cover all delivery costs of its shipments.
Russia calls off $23-B as part of debt relief program for African countries
And on Friday, he announced that Russia will allocate an additional 90 million dollars to African countries for development and promised trade preferences. He also revealed Russia has written off debt amounting to 23 billion U.S. dollars.
The Russia-Africa Summit and forum were first held in Russia’s Sochi in 2019, with representatives of all 54 countries of the continent, including 43 African heads of state as well as eight major African integrations and organizations.
But this year, only 40 African countries attended, 17 of which were represented by their heads of state.
The Kremlin said the low turnout of African heads of state was due to Western pressure.