With Former President Duterte’s morals, he would never ever be friends with a man he thought was guilty of sexually assaulting women or girls—Atty. Michael Green

With Former President Duterte’s morals, he would never ever be friends with a man he thought was guilty of sexually assaulting women or girls—Atty. Michael Green

ATTY. Michael Green, legal counsel for KOJC, firmly stated that there is no way former President Duterte would ever sit down with someone he believed to be guilty of sexual assault or sex trafficking.

He emphasized Duterte’s strong moral stance against crime and the people who commit it, categorically denying any possibility of a friendship with Pastor Quiboloy.

“There’s not a person in this world that can ever convince me that your former president [Duterte] would sit down and have dinner with a man he thought was guilty of sexually assaulting women or girls – a sex trafficker.”

“Never ever (would) happen with this former president’s morals, how he feels about crime and the people who commit crime. Not a chance in the world do I believe, he would be part and parcel of a friendship with Pastor Quiboloy,” stated Atty. Michael Green, KOJC Legal Counsel.

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