Davao City offers free family planning services to Dabawenyos

Davao City offers free family planning services to Dabawenyos

THE Davao City Health Office (CHO) and its City Population Division held the very first Family Planning Fiesta in Bunawan Gym on Tuesday.

The event is part of the City Population Division’s information education campaign on responsible parenthood. It also aims to inform the populace of the various family planning methods offered for free by the local government.

Tuesday’s event was attended by CHO Head Dr. Thomas Miguel Ababon, Bunawan District Health Office Head Dr. Maria Thelma Villaluna, CHO Population Division Head Jerrielyn Lewis, Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) officials, USAID representative partners, barangay functionaries and residents of Barangay Bunawan.

Over 150 parents and would-be parents participated in the event and listened to lectures on responsible parenthood, optimal birth spacing, and the many methods of family planning and birth control.

Free family planning consultation was also offered to the participants. Different types of birth control were also given out for free.

Those who expressed interest for the no-scalpel vasectomy (NSV) and bilateral tubal ligation (BTL) were also screened for the procedures. These procedures are offered for free.

Population Division Head Jerrielyn Lewis emphasized that family planning is not just for people who want to prevent pregnancy but also for those who want to start a family and those who want to limit the size of their family.

CHO Head Dr. Ababon said the CHO is working hard to dispel any erroneous assumptions about family planning.

“When I say family planning, I don’t just mean that I don’t want to get pregnant, the thing that pushes you to do family planning must be love for your family, love for your child,” Ababon said.

“We at City Health are tirelessly urging parents to think about family planning. What we are trying to do is to explain to every parent their rights and their responsibility in raising their family,” he added.

Editor’s Note: This article has been sourced from the City Government of Davao Facebook Page.


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