KOJC baptizes hundreds of individuals from NCR

KOJC baptizes hundreds of individuals from NCR

THIS is how joyful it is in the Kingdom of Jesus Christ (KOJC) now because of the hundreds of individuals who underwent baptism from the NCR to enter and become part of the congregation.

Each one is filled with joy, all out in dancing and praising the Almighty Father.

Maricel is one of the hundreds undergoing baptism today in the Kingdom of Jesus Christ.

She expresses her deep gratitude for being enlightened by Pastor Apollo C. Quiboloy‘s preachings.

She also shares that she doesn’t believe in the negative news against the righteous Pastor, knowing that there are people filled with envy who just want to bring Pastor Apollo down.

 “Because sometimes, the accusations aren’t true. It’s better to rely on what we see rather than just what we hear,” according to Maricel.

“Even now in the government, right? Whoever sits up there, it’s like they’re being pulled down. So, currently, right? Pastor, he’s encouraged many, he’s helped many, so it’s like they’re finding a way to make him gone,” Maricel added.

Sister Arfelina, was able to join the KOJC prayer rally at Bonifacio Park before her water baptism.

According to her, whatever accusations are made against Pastor Apollo, it won’t sway their decision to join KOJC.

“I witness his preaching, his acts of helping others, Pastor has helped so many, that’s why I don’t believe the accusations against him. I truly feel emotional, tears flow seeing Sister Fely’s cellphone, look, this is what happened to Pastor, it really moves me. I joined at Bonifacio Park, I really finished the rally. That’s where I was deeply touched. Thank you very much, Father,” said Arfelina.

The youth also joined in the water baptism.

According to them, Pastor Apollo’s preaching and goodness have changed their lives

Because of the kind Pastor, they’re ready to defend him against malicious people.

“Most of the witnesses at the Senate hearing presented only verbal testimonies, but they never showed any actual photos or videos. It’s better to see with our own eyes than to just believe with hearsay,” Shella Ann, Bulacan expressed.

“I willingly entered the kingdom because I was enlightened by the words of God preached by Pastor,” said Graceil Cabardo, Manila, 15 years old.

“I am grateful to Pastor Apollo C. Quiboloy because of the message I heard. I entered the kingdom because I believe in Pastor Quiboloy. I don’t believe the criticisms and mockery directed at him. Those are not true. It’s all lies,” Romel said.

“I don’t believe in those accusations because Pastor hasn’t done anything wrong, only goodness,” stated Marc Aldeo, Novaliches.

Before the formal baptism, everyone prayed earnestly.

According to the Kingdom Ministers, the Kingdom remains diligent in its invitation and saturation drives.

“We thank the Father, through His chosen Son, because despite the accusations, despite the allegations, despite the severe accusations against our beloved Pastor, it didn’t affect the souls who are now decided to enter the Kingdom. We are thankful because we didn’t force them to enter; we have processes that we’ve been doing for a long time, and this is through saturation drives. Every barangay, every Kingdom citizen walks to find souls, the children of the Father, in every place,” according to Bro. Pepito Castro, Kingdom Minister.

“Others we talk to during saturation don’t believe those accusations. They see and know Pastor, especially his deeds, especially his effort to help to children. Every birthday, every April 25, they see Pastor feeding children. He sends them to school, he built schools for those children so they won’t go astray,” Bro. Jun Buenafe, Kingdom Mnister expressed.

“If we were discouraged because of what we see and hear? We strive even harder because we know that the accusations against Pastor are unfounded. That’s why we wonder why there are accusers who don’t even know Pastor, so how can we believe them? Inside, we see Pastor’s goodness, what Pastor does is what strengthens our resolve in our saturation drive to intensify it even more,” Buenafe added.

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