PNG Bill approved on third reading in the Senate as Bong Go sponsors measure to improve grassroots sports development

PNG Bill approved on third reading in the Senate as Bong Go sponsors measure to improve grassroots sports development

SENATOR Christopher “Bong” Go, Chairperson of the Senate Committee on Sports, expressed his gratitude to his fellow lawmakers for their support of Senate Bill No. 2514, also known as the Philippine National Games (PNG) Bill, which successfully passed its third and final reading on Monday, May 20.

Go, who principally sponsored and is one of the authors of SBN 2514, emphasized the significance of institutionalizing the PNG. This legislation aims to strengthen an integrated and inclusive national sports program, focusing on including para-athletes and the commitment to hold the games biennially, fostering wide-ranging participation nationwide.

“Mr. President, I would like to thank our esteemed colleagues for supporting the Philippine National Games bill. Its passage on the third reading today is not merely a legislative milestone; it is a testament to our collective commitment to nurturing the athletic talent that abounds in every corner of our country,” expressed Go in his manifestation.

“The Philippine National Games are not just competitions; they are platforms for discovering and nurturing the next generation of Filipino sports heroes,” Go remarked. “These games will help elevate our national pride and fortify our country’s presence in international sports arenas,” he added.

Go also underscored the importance of local government units (LGUs) in the success of the PNG, envisioning a collaborative framework where provinces, in partnership with cities and municipalities, actively participate in forming sports delegations.

He stressed the importance of a “genuine comprehensive national grassroots sports program” as the country’s premier sports competition and a vital platform for a nationwide talent search.

As chairperson of the Committee on Sports and the Committee on Health and Demography, Go highlighted the interconnectivity of sports, health, and national well-being, linking sports promotion to the broader national agenda, including the campaign against illegal drugs.

“Isa rin po ito sa paraan para ilayo ang mga kabataan sa masasamang bisyo tulad ng illegal na droga. Get into sports, stay away from drugs, to keep us healthy and fit,” Go added.

Last May 14, during the bill’s second reading approval, it successfully passed the period of interpellations and amendments after incorporating critical revisions to ensure inclusivity and comprehensiveness.

“This bill, which we have diligently crafted and refined, represents a unified vision: to provide a structured and supportive environment for our athletes, from grassroots to elite levels,” Go asserted.

“It is a recognition that sports play a crucial role in nation-building, fostering not only physical fitness but also instilling values of discipline, teamwork, and resilience in our youth,” he continued.

Go underscored that the passage of SBN 2514 marks a significant step forward in the government’s commitment to sports development, inclusivity, and promoting health and fitness among Filipino athletes.

“We are now one step-closer to achieving a dynamic future for Philippine sports. Sa ating mga atletang Pilipino, para po ito sa inyong lahat. Maraming salamat po, at mabuhay ang atletang Pilipino!” he concluded.

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