VP Sara Duterte calls for humane enforcement of law

VP Sara Duterte calls for humane enforcement of law

VICE President Sara Duterte has joined the voices condemning the heavily-armed police raids on various compounds of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ in Davao City and Sarangani Province.

In her official statement on Tuesday, Vice President Duterte called for the proper, acceptable, and humane enforcement of the law and the promotion of justice in our country.

“I stand with those calling for the proper, acceptable, and humane enforcement of the law and the promotion of justice in our country,” Sara Z. Duterte, Vice President of the Philippines stated.

She expressed concern over the unruly execution of the arrest warrant for Pastor Apollo C. Quiboloy, citing the questionable use of excessive force and authority in front of civilians.

“This follows the unruly execution of the arrest warrant for Pastor Apollo C. Quiboloy yesterday, which resulted in the questionable display of excessive force and authority in front of civilians,” VP Duterte added.

She emphasized the importance of ensuring the safety of everyone, especially civilians and youth.

“In upholding the law, let us not forget the safety of everyone, especially civilians, and it is important to ensure that the youth are kept away from harm,” she added.

The Vice President also reminded that violence against citizens is an affront to democracy.

She urged for the maintenance of respect, order, and peace in the country.

“I hope that we can maintain respect, order, and peace in our country,” she added.

In closing, Vice President Duterte called for calm among Davaoeños and the entire Filipino nation, urging everyone to unite in prayer for truth and justice.

“May the people of Davao and the entire Filipino nation always remain calm, and may everyone unite in prayer for truth and justice,” she concluded.


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