Japanese fighter jets to monitor Chinese bombers near Okinawa

Japanese fighter jets to monitor Chinese bombers near Okinawa

CHINESE Air Force bombers and drones were spotted flying near Okinawa Island and Taiwan prompting Japan’s Defense Ministry to scramble jet fighters to monitor the situation.

The ministry on Friday, said that two Chinese H-6 bombers were spotted flying through the strait between southwest Japan’s Okinawa and Miyako Islands that connects the East China Sea and the Pacific.

Japan sent its air self-defense force jet fighters to follow the drones, which eventually turned toward Mainland China.

It can be noted that one of the major United States Military bases in the Asia Pacific is located in Okinawa.

The ministry also issued a separate statement saying that it spotted a Chinese military drone and another that is also likely to be Chinese, flying between Japan’s Western most Yonaguni Island and Taiwan during the day.

Meanwhile, Taiwan’s Defense Ministry said that China was seen conducting military activity around the island earlier on Friday with 13 aircraft and five shops carrying out combat ready patrols entering Taiwan’s ‘response’ zone.


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