KLC of Hawaii sends donation to children traumatized by attacks on KOJC religious properties

KLC of Hawaii sends donation to children traumatized by attacks on KOJC religious properties

EXACTLY a week after the inhumane overkill attacks on the Kingdom of Jesus Christ’s religious compounds in Davao City, the Kingdom Light Congregation (KLC) of Hawaii expressed their sympathies and sent their donations for the children who were traumatized by the raids.

The KLC of Hawaii initiated a feeding and gift giving program for the children in Tamayong Davao City.

First off—for the kids at the Prayer Mountain who enjoyed the meals from Waxi’s.

They were also thankful for the toys that they received.

The volunteers then proceeded to the Glory Mountain to serve the delicious meals for the children in the said compound.

KOJC minister, Bro. Carlo Catiil, who is also assigned in Hawaii says Kingdom members were disheartened to see the videos of the gruesome attack to Kingdom religious compounds, stressing that these are sanctified houses of worship of all the Kingdom citizens. Much more so the videos of children witnessing the chilling scenario.

With this, Catiil said the members decided to send some love to the children and treat them to a hearty meal and gifts.

 “So, our fellow Filipinos abroad, specifically in Hawaii, came together to sponsor a feeding program drive to help alleviate the traumatic experience of our youth at the Prayer Mountain and Glory Mountain. Around 200 youth, along with their families, were involved. I thank the Father for the unity and also thank Waxi’s Restaurant for their support. They went up to Glory Mountain, where we had a short program, distributed toys, and organized activities to bring back smiles and joy to the hearts and faces of these very innocent youth,” said Carlo Catiil, KOJC Minister.

The KLC of Hawaii is hoping that by sending in these donations, by initiating parties for the children would erase the memories of that fateful event, the trauma that it brought in the minds and hearts of the children, because they too know how it feels, after experiencing the same in 2020.

Meanwhile, some of the parents and guardians have also expressed their gratitude to the KLC of Hawaii and the people who continue to keep them in their hearts and prayers.

“First of all, we are thankful to our beloved Pastor, for today, for sending food for the children here in Tamayong Prayer Mountain. We are also thankful to the Hawaii KLC for the food packs for the children,” said Dolly Orungan, Parent.

“We really feel the continuous love, the support especially to our children here in the Glory Mountain who experienced the traumatic event. So, we are very thankful especially to Pastor Apollo and all the sponsors, the KLC of Hawaii that Waxi’s restaurant is here which really contributed a lot to the children who really enjoyed the event and their fears at that time were changed into happiness right now,” also said Claire Ondong, Parent.

Children’s Joy Foundation Inc., conducts debriefing for children traumatized during attacks at KOJC religious compounds

On the other hand, aside from the gift giving and feeding program—the Children’s Joy Foundation Inc, conducted a debriefing program for the children who were traumatized in the June 10 attack.

Catiil stressed that the Kingdom is doing its best to take care of the children, providing psychological and other needs—especially after what they’ve been through.

“This is what we are protecting, especially our Beloved Pastor, as this is really his heart. If we, as adults, are having a hard time coping with what happened, how much more for our youth, who are defenseless, experiencing such a traumatic event,” said Catiil.


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