War with Hamas to cost Israel NIS 253-B—Central Bank Chief

War with Hamas to cost Israel NIS 253-B—Central Bank Chief

WAGING a war entails a heavy price as warring nations need to be ready for the burdens that come with it particularly when it comes to finances, and worst, the reality of losing innocent lives.

Israel’s Central Bank Governor Amir Yaron said that the $67 billion estimate was based on expenditures from 2023 to 2025.

The cost involves spending on defense outlays, civilian needs, and lost tax income.

Israel’s current war expenditure was estimated at 118 billion shekels. On top of this, an additional 38 billion shekels are required for civilian spending up until 2025, while 23 billion shekels more are needed to compensate for direct war damages.

As if it was not enough, Israel’s Central Bank anticipates another 35 billion shekels in lost tax revenue due to the ongoing conflict.

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