Don’t put to shame the Philippines with officials’ underperformance—Sen. Zubiri

Don’t put to shame the Philippines with officials’ underperformance—Sen. Zubiri

ON Tuesday, May 14th, the Senate investigated the state of international and domestic airports in the Philippines.

The Senate Committee on Public Services is chaired by Senator Grace Poe.

Airport issues have come in one on top of the other –

There are escalators that don’t work

Bugs found on the seats…

Faulty air conditioners

There are even times when there are blackouts…

And what passengers hate the most – their flights get delayed or sometimes even cancelled.

According to Senate President Juan Miguel ‘Migz’ Zubiri, it’s a recipe for disaster.

He also told other government officials not to put to shame the country with this level of inefficiency and low standards of service.

Meanwhile, former Chief Presidential Legal Counsel Atty. Salvador Panelo has a challenge for lawmakers on this issue.

Atty. Panelo to lawmakers: Call out people responsible for airport problems

“Did you notice Senator Zubiri? He was able to make the complaint – all of them – the senators. But they are unable to mention who to castigate. You should name names,” Atty. Salvador ‘Sal’ Panelo, Former Chief Presidential Legal Counsel.

Atty. Panelo added that it’s only appropriate to call out who is responsible for this – not to embarrass an individual but to get the attention of the president, because it is also the chief executive’s job to resolve such kind of problems.

“They cannot call out that because that failure, who takes responsibility [for it]? First, the cabinet member. Who appointed the cabinet member? [The president.] Then, why can’t you call them out? There, I dare you people to pinpoint responsibility. [Are they afraid, Atty. Sal?] All you do is babble. Name them. It’s not to castigate but so that he knows [and] finds a solution,” stated Atty. Panelo.

Atty. Panelo is a former cabinet member of former President Rodrigo Roa Duterte.

During his time, he didn’t hesitate to publicly call out government officials.

Duterte always reminded other members of the government to pay back with good service and loyalty the trust that the people gave to them.

Atty. Panelo to Marcos Jr: solve airport problems

“So, this, this program will call out on Mr. President Ferdinand Marcos Jr – do something about this. Your people there in the Senate are complaining about the inaction, inability, the failure, the neglect. Do something about it,” Panelo said.


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