APCU vows to bolster PH-China friendship amid West PH Sea issue

APCU vows to bolster PH-China friendship amid West PH Sea issue

TENSIONS between the Philippines and China have escalated further regarding the West Philippine Sea under the Marcos administration, especially with the current government’s closer ties to Americans.

According to the Association for Philippines-China Understanding or APCU, external forces, not Filipinos, are exacerbating the situation.

“Yes, that’s true, we can’t deny it. There’s definitely escalating tension. Largely, we believe it’s because of outside forces. It’s not really between the Philippines and China,” according to Peter Tiu Laviña, Organizer, APCU 2024.

APCU is the leading non-government organization in the Philippines advocating for people-to-people diplomacy, bilateral understanding, and friendship between China and the Philippines.

Despite tensions over disputed territories, APCU remains committed to recognizing Filipinos promoting friendship between Manila and Beijing, even amidst what they perceive as racist issues in the country.

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“We are also concerned about the rising xenophobia. Attacks on Filipino citizens who are perceived as pro-China, accused of being Chinese spies, and so on. This is unjust; it only adds to the confusion among our people. So, we are worried about it because it’s a form of racism,” added Laviña.

The 2024 APCU Awards marks its fourth year. Anyone can nominate individuals they believe are advancing friendship between the two nations. The deadline for nominations is in April 21.

“We have different categories for our awards. We have what we call the Hall of Fame, for high-ranking officials. We have outstanding, not very high-ranking officials but have made significant contributions. And we have major awards—those who may not be widely known but have an impact in their localities and sectors,” he said.


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