Calm restored in Sierra Leone after imposing nationwide curfew

Calm restored in Sierra Leone after imposing nationwide curfew

SIERRA Leone is in the grip of a political crisis as the government lifted its nationwide curfew after imposing it in response to a security breach at a military armory in the capital.

Unidentified attackers breached the facility, sparking armed clashes across the Freetown City.

Gunshots and explosions were reported in various districts, with prisons also targeted earlier in the day, resulting in security forces retreating and prison breaches.

The government assured the public of its control over the situation, pushing the attackers to the outskirts of the capital.

The international community, including the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), condemned the violence and stressed the importance of upholding constitutional order.

President Julius Maada Bio, who was re-elected in June, pledged to protect the peace and security against those attempting to destabilize Sierra Leone.

Currently, Bio said that calm has mostly been restored, and the military is in control of the situation, but the motive behind the attack remains unconfirmed.


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