Foreign countries evacuate nationals amid violence

Foreign countries evacuate nationals amid violence

SEVERAL foreign nations have announced initiatives to evacuate its citizens from Sudan amid the ongoing fight between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF).

Over the weekend, United States Special Forces helped in rescuing not more than 100 people, mostly US Embassy personnel.

According to US President Joe Biden, the United States Military sent 3 MH-47 helicopters to carry out the operation.

On the other hand, the European Union has also so far evacuated more than 1,000 citizens.

Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Spain, and Sweden among other European Nations have announced efforts to rescue nationals.

Belgium Foreign Minister Hadja Lahbib posted on Twitter that Brussels was cooperating with France and the Netherlands to evacuate European Nationals from Sudan.

Later on, in another post, the official thanked allied partners for being able to successfully evacuate Belgians and dependents.

 “We are obviously going to mention the situation in Sudan, where the current fighting is causing a very serious humanitarian situation for the entire region. I am obviously thinking of the Khartoum situation, but not only. Also in Darfur, a region where the population has been suffering for more than 20 years. It is urgent to obtain a ceasefire and that the guns fall silent. Finally, that power also returns to civil society. I will take advantage of the council to thank the good collaboration that has taken place throughout this weekend with the leading European countries on site. I will take this opportunity to thank in particular France with whom i have been in contact all weekend, my colleague Catherine Colonna, for the good collaboration. At present, we still have about thirty Belgians on site. A significant number of them have not expressed the desire to leave and we have been able to evacuate eight belgians so far. Eight Belgians and their dependents, including the Director of ECHO who was injured, were able to be evacuated. I would also like to thank Djibouti, Jordan, Germany and the Netherlands. The Belgians who are still there are currently managed by Cairo. I salute the work of our Embassy in Cairo. We are of course in contact with them. Other evacuation operations could take place, but this is not yet certain. It all depends on the security situation there,” said Hadja Lahbib, Belgium Foreign Minister.

Another country announcing evacuation efforts was India.

In a Twitter post, spokesperson of the Foreign Ministry of India, Arindam Bagchi posted a statement regarding the initiatives of the Indian Government.

According to the official, the country was working with the United Nations, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, and the US among others.

As of the latest data gathered, more than 420 people have died, with analysts believing that the true death toll could be much higher.

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