Mar del Plata breakwater closed amid death of several sea lions

Mar del Plata breakwater closed amid death of several sea lions

OFFICIALS from Argentina‘s National Service of Agri-Food Health and Quality (SENASA) were seen removing dozens of sea lions from a breakwater in the beach resort of Mar Del Plata on Sunday after an outbreak of avian influenza among the area’s sea lion population.

“Last Tuesday, the first samples of sea lions with obvious symptoms of avian influence, better known as avian flu were discovered,” according to Victor Manuel Baldovino Prina, Director, SENASA.

“Argentina has already implemented protocols that are observed worldwide for all treatment of sea lions in case of death, as well as burials with all sanitary measures,” he added.

This comes as highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) has been identified as the cause of the deaths of 57 sea lions along the coastal areas of Argentina, according to a report from the World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH) issued on the 25th of August.

The sea lions of Mar del Plata are believed to be infected with the said virus.

Coast Guard and port authorities have closed the south breakwater to pedestrian traffic in a bid to stem the spread of HPAI and prevent pets from being infected.

“We also closed what is for us the southern breakwater because it was a place where the sea lions were very close to those who were going to watch them, so we closed it as a matter of precaution,” Gabriel Felizia, President of the Mar del Plata Regional Port Consortium said.

Experts from SENASA believe that sea lions are contracting the disease from wild birds and spreading it via fecal matter. Similar outbreaks have been reported along Buenos Aires Province’s Atlantic Coast and in the Patagonia Region.

Although avian flu is not transmissible from animals to humans, The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned of an ‘alarming rise’ of outbreaks among mammals, suggesting the highly infectious H5N1 virus could mutate and infect people.

Meanwhile, a separate WOAH report stated that 9,542 other birds in Argentina had been lost to HPAI in 2023.


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