Pastor Apollo C. Quiboloy calls FPRRD a hardliner vs ‘lame policemen’

Pastor Apollo C. Quiboloy calls FPRRD a hardliner vs ‘lame policemen’

Pastor Apollo C. Quiboloy called former President Rodrigo Roa Duterte a real hardliner after the latter urged lame policemen to resign if they cannot solve the crimes in the country.

“You know, I am addressing myself to the policemen. I became your mayor, I became your president, you know guys, I don’t believe even for a moment that you can’t do it. If you can’t, you all should resign,” said Former President Rodrigo Roa Duterte.

‘A real hardliner’. This is what Pastor Apollo C. Quiboloy called Former President Duterte, following the latter’s call on lame policemen to just resign if they cannot properly do their job.

“Our former president is a hardliner when it comes to crime like this even when he was mayor of Davao City, even when he became a president, he has always been a hardliner.”

“When such incidents happen, there should be results the next day so if you dilly-dally, we have someone like him that will point at you,” said Pastor Apollo C. Quiboloy.

“[You have] a high salary, I doubled it during my time. I doubled your salary, and then this is all you will give us? When I get to the station, I will kick you all.” “Really, I’ll kick your ass in public,” FPRRD added.

Pastor Apollo also agreed with this statement by Duterte and said that the compensation the police are receiving is enough for them to do their job properly and responsibly, and the government has not failed in providing them with a good salary.

“So, our president is drawing a sentiment regarding his words.”

“If you have a big salary, then you should do your job properly because law enforcement should be the first to respond to crimes.”

“That’s right when you’re a police officer, you’re a law enforcer, and you should be the first to know what to do to catch perpetrators and immediately and hold them accountable,” Pastor Apollo added.

To recall, an incident occurred in Tamayong, Davao City involving a failed attempt of riding in tandem that happened this week, meanwhile, the murder of Architect Vlanche Marie Laruan Bragas, who was found dead in Calinan District on May 17th, still remains a mystery, and the reward for anyone who could identify the suspect behind her death has reached millions.

 “So as far as I know, the reward money has reached P4 million to catch the suspects who raped and killed a young female architect. We should really look for those [suspects]. Those people should be held accountable. This should be resolved immediately, that’s why our former president was exasperated,” Pastor Apollo added.

The two leaders are known to be bravely fighting those who want to destroy the country, and upholding peace and order.

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