PNP-SAF forcibly evicts B’laan residents in Kitbog from their homes

PNP-SAF forcibly evicts B’laan residents in Kitbog from their homes

THE peaceful life of the B’laan Tribe in Kitbog, Malungon, Sarangani was violently disrupted when armed PNP-SAF suddenly entered their community and forcibly displacing them from their homes. Their peace was shattered, replaced by intense fear. The armed authorities did not even consider the elderly and those living in their homes. Others were exhausted from a day’s work in the mountains.

“For me, what they did was infuriating because it wasn’t right. If they were coming here, they should have asked for permission and done it during the day, not in the middle of the night,” said alias Cora, B’laan Tribe.

The authorities showed utter disregard and and could be considered heartless, as they ignored the pleas of senior citizens to refrain from forcibly evicting them from their homes despite their health concerns.

“They forced me out with guns in hand, saying “Get out now.”  “My head hurts, sir.” “Get out” “My head hurts.”

I was scared, they forced me out. (Where you scared?) Yes. (Why?) Because their guns were aimed at me. They made me go out,” said alias Delilah, B’laan Tribe.

“I was nervous because it was my first time seeing something like this. When they came to me, I got angry because I had a fever at that time. They forced it, all “Is anyone there. Come out.” I said while I was inside the house, “Why? Just get out.” I opened the door, their guns were pointed at me. The two – because there were four police officers – but two went to the other house, they asked me, “How many are you in the house? I said, “We are two with my nephew. The police said, “Wake him up and we will go out,” according to alias Lorna, B’laan Tribe.

The community of the B’laan Tribe was disturbed by the full battle gear of the PNP SAF to look for Pastor Apollo C. Quiboloy because his church is near the community.

The police showed no documents as proof that they could enter the homes of the B’laan. They have no other information about the search. But the real goal of the authorities is the KOJC religious compound in Kitbog. They searched every corner of it. Cecilia returned, she did not name the events on June 10th when the compound was entered.

“When they arrived at the compound, they went around all the places including the rooms. They opened everything including the ACQ-CM (Bible School). They opened everything. Including the CR, they even kicked the CR because the key could not be found. They tried to open it. They went around all the places, including the KLC (church), even the CR. There was no place here they did not open and visited. They did not see what they were looking for,” said alias Cecilia, B’laan Tribe.

Pastor Apollo C. Quiboloy provides substantial assistance to B’laan community in Kitbog

The indigenous people do not understand why they need such a fate because their acquaintance is Pastor Apollo is a good person.

It has been important to the spiritual journey of Pastor Apollo C. Quiboloy in Kitbog with the B’laan because he began his training here before the Kingdom of Jesus Christ grew.

In the ’70s, when Pastor Apollo first came here to Kitbog, the natives regarded him as a true brother.

Some B’laan shared their lives when they lived without Pastor Apollo in their place.

 “Our life here in Kitbog was very difficult. We will have a long talk if we talk about the hardships of our life here at that time. We had a hard time bringing our products to Malungon because we had no road. We even used a horse to make the journey, four hours from here to Malungon,” said alias Cora.

So, the B’laan Tribe is very grateful when Pastor Apollo returns to their community.

“(Your life has improved because the pastor has come.) That’s really true, because at first it was difficult for us. You see pine trees and plants, that’s not here before, that’s because of Pastor and our life is here,” she added.

So, on May 29, 2023, the B’laan Tribe of Kitbog conferred and recognized Pastor Apollo as ‘Datu Tud Labun,’ which means ‘Access to Heaven’ or ‘Bridge to Heaven.'”

“It’s a good thing that Pastor Apollo is here now because Kitbog used to be very chaotic. In fact, we had to leave three times in one year because of bandits, thieves, and killings here. But when Pastor Apollo arrived, changes happened because even the bandits turned their lives around,” said alias Lorna.

“What did Pastor Apollo do in our area? His help to the residents here has been immense. Before, we didn’t have roads, electricity, or water. When we had products, we had to carry them all the way to Malungon. If we bought fish, they would spoil by the time they reached here because of the distance. Pastor provided vehicles to the community so that if someone got sick, they could be taken to the hospital without having to die on the road. The vehicles are a big help to the people here. The bandits around here have changed for the better,” added alias Cecilia.

Roads, electricity, water are just a few of the basic needs that the government should prioritize for our indigenous brothers and sisters in the B’laan community in Kitbog. However, it was Pastor Apollo C. Quiboloy who took the lead in providing these because of his love for others without exception.


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