Reflections after a day of horrific episode—KOJC missionary

Reflections after a day of horrific episode—KOJC missionary

A day after the horrific episode in our life as full-time missionary workers of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ, the scenes of violence and harassment are still in our heads.

We cannot unsee them.

Over two hundred armed men barged in our gates in the wee hours of the morning, we were supposed to have our morning devotional.

You disturbed our peace.

You came with high-powered rifles, and forcibly entered our doors.

I can still hear the eerie sound of shouting and weeping from the non-violent KOJC members — praying for a miracle that this violence will be over.

I can still recall the scene of how you tried to rip through our main gate with your truck.

In Glory Mountain, it was worse. You destroyed our gates!

Your men even said,

“We’ll breach this no matter what.”

I can still see how our colleagues made a human barricade outside the gates, risking their lives, fearless.

It’s hurting to see how some of our elderly members were disoriented of the situation — why all of a sudden our peaceful compound was turned into a war zone?

Children as young as eight cannot sleep. They said,

“Baka dumating na naman sila.” (They might come again.)

Two choppers hovered in our compound simultaneously, and there were snipers inside with their guns pointed at us.

What have we done to this country to be served this way?

Remember, we are a religious and peace-loving people. We were taught by our leader, Pastor Apollo Quiboloy to obey and follow the word of God.

You may not agree with our beliefs, but at least you could have given respect to our freedom to worship. We are entitled to our constitutional rights because we are Filipinos also.

It’s troubling that the people whom we expect to protect us are now the ones who are attacking us.

Ano po ang laban namin sa mga baril at armas ninyo?

We pray to the Father in heaven to restore us — He is our only hope.

When the wicked are in authority, the people mourn. Those who persecute and oppress the good are evil.

The day shall come when all these will be over. “Vengeance is mine, I will repay saith the Lord.”

We cry for justice.


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