Sen. Bato fumes at Senate hearing on PDEA leaks

Sen. Bato fumes at Senate hearing on PDEA leaks

THE Senate hearing on the alleged PDEA leaks continues to question the authenticity of classified documents circulating online.

These documents are linking President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. to illegal drugs. Amid the heated discussions during the probe, one senator’s temper flared due to comments made by a political vlogger about him.

“Am I being paid by Liza Marcos? How dare you!? Do you think my face has a price?” said Sen. Ronald “Bato” Dela Rosa, Chairperson, Committee on Public Order and Dangerous Drugs.

Senator Ronald “Bato” Dela Rosa’s temper flared due to comments made by political vlogger Maharlika.

While the Senate Committee on Dangerous Drugs, chaired by Sen. Bato, delved into the controversial PDEA leaks, U.S.-based vlogger Maharlika posted on social media, insinuating unfairness on the senator’s part.

In the said post, Maharlika questioned whether First Lady Lisa Marcos had bribed the lawmaker.

“Who are the senators present in this hearing? Why> you ask yourself! Who is the only senator who wants to know the truth!” added Dela Rosa.

In other social media posts, Maharlika questioned why the alleged drug use of Marcos Jr. was not discussed or investigated by the senator.

The vlogger also criticized the four PDEA employees who opposed the statements of former PDEA agent Jonathan Morales, who signed documents implicating Marcos as a cocaine user in the past.

It is worth noting that former President Rodrigo Duterte confirmed the existence of the confidential report while delivering his speech at a rally, while the documents implicating PBBM to illegal drugs first surfaced in one of Maharlika’s vlogs.

Former PDEA agent insists documents linking PBBM to illegal drugs are true

In an interview following the initial hearing, Morales reiterated the authenticity of the documents.

“We cannot simply dismiss it because it was seen by former President Duterte. He mentioned a report he saw involving actress Maricel Soriano and President Bongbong Marcos. So, this report is just a result of our work. I understand my former colleagues are denying it now because he is the sitting president,” Jonathan Morales, Former PDEA Agent stressed.

Regarding his former colleagues’ denial of his allegations, Morales said he understood their position.

“It’s just a part of it that they sent them here because of their boss’s orders. It’s just sad because they’re going to choose between me and the food on their table,” Morales expressed.

For Senator Bato, the verification of the classified documents remains at a deadlock.

“That’s official statement coming from PDEA, so who am I not to believe PDEA?” Dela Rosa added.

“And here’s Morales saying he made those papers. They’re already with Maharlika and it’s spreading on social media. I can’t say he’s lying because the document is there,” he said.

After the initial hearing on the PDEA leaks, the committee immediately went into an executive session with PDEA officials.

According to Senator Bato, subsequent hearings can be expected until the source of the leaked confidential documents is identified.

Vlogger Maharlika has also been invited to the next hearing.


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