U.S. imposes sanctions against Sudan after ceasefire violations

U.S. imposes sanctions against Sudan after ceasefire violations

THE United States wants to hold the warring factions of Sudan accountable by imposing sanctions.

Last month, the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) were able to come to an agreement to declare a ceasefire through talks led by the United States and Saudi Arabia.

However, just like in previous truce deals between the two sides, violence, and aggression continued in spite of efforts to allow the passage of humanitarian aid.

In a press conference in Norway, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken admitted that the ceasefire agreed upon has been “imperfect.”

Furthermore, Blinken also said that the u.s. Will continue to look at steps that it can take with regard to the issue.

Following this, sanctions targeted at companies associated with the SAF and RSF were issued on Thursday.

In a statement, US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said that the sanctions will cut off financial flows which will deprive the warring factions of resources for their soldiers and arms.

Aside from this, the white house also announced that it will be imposing visa restrictions against those that are perpetuating the violence.

Meanwhile, earlier this week, it can be recalled that the SAF suspended its participation in talks with the RSF in Jeddah.

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