Atty. Roque tells JMC Law Graduates: Being a lawyer is more than just a profession

Atty. Roque tells JMC Law Graduates: Being a lawyer is more than just a profession

FOR former Presidential Spokesperson Atty. Harry Roque, graduation day is an unforgettable moment for law students due to the sacrifices they made over eight years to complete their Juris Doctor degree. He advises JMC College of Law graduates to thoroughly prepare for the Bar Examination, as they will face significant challenges.

Atty. Roque views the rigorous training he underwent at a law school in the Philippines as a major achievement. He reminded graduates of the important role lawyers play in society.

“Lawyering in the Philippines is not just a profession. While it is true that it is expected to be our main source of livelihood, it’s more than that; it is a natural advocacy,” stated of Atty. Harry Roque, Former Presidential Spokesperson.

“What you have entered into is not just a profession that will provide you with a livelihood, but a dedication to uphold the very reason why we have laws in the first place—the rule of law,” said Atty. Roque.

Roque condemns violent PNP-SAF raid on JMCFI, KOJC as illegal

Meanwhile, Atty. Roque emphasized the illegality of the violent raid by armed PNP-SAF forces on JMCFI and the religious compounds of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ.

“You know what is stated in the rules of court, you know what is stated in the constitution, ‘the right of the people to be secure in their persons, papers, places, shall be inviolable, no search warrant or warrant of arrest, shall issue except upon lawful order of a judge upon examination of witnesses particularly describing the places to be searched and the items to be seized,’ so what happened? Our church was raided, our school was raided by laws that teach that there is no law higher in this country than the constitution and the law of the Lord,” he added.

Roque believes the violent incident at the KOJC religious compounds on June 10 provides a lesson for JMC Law School graduates. The inhumane raid by police in full battle gear occurred just days before graduation, reminding those entering the legal profession that it requires dedication and courage to uphold the constitution.

“Consider the June 10 incident a continuing challenge to be true to the calling of the law. The supremacy of the constitution cannot be achieved if it remains on paper. It is realized through lawyers and agents of the court upholding our constitution and bill of rights,” added Roque.

Roque asserts: NTC oversteps authority in indefinitely suspending SMNI

Speaking to JMC Law School graduates, Roque addressed his actions to defend SMNI’s rights after being indefinitely suspended by the government. He stated that as a lawyer, he could not remain idle.

“Our national politics presents a serious challenge to the rule of law. It was ironic during the elections that only one station supported this administration and only one hosted debates because they trusted it to be fair—SMNI. But what happened? Those who supported those in power are the first to be suppressed. Those who gave an opportunity to know those in power are the ones now being closed and ignored. Despite all this, lawyers will not sit idly by. They are taking action to prevent the indefinite suspension of our franchise. The National Telecommunications Commission does not have the authority; ultimately, it is the Bill of Rights that grants SMNI its freedom of the press, not any license issued by the National Telecommunications Commission,” he added.

Meanwhile, Pastor Apollo C. Quiboloy sent a message to JMC Law graduates, delivered by SMNI President Marlon Rosete.

“As future lawyers, you have the responsibility to uphold these principles, ensuring justice is accessible to all and not skewed by power. Your education has equipped you with knowledge, but your inner resolve and commitment to ethical principles will guide you. Advocate for the marginalized, pursue truth, and uphold the rule of law with love and fairness.”

Pastor Apollo C. Quiboloy, JMCFI’s Founding President, reminded the graduates of his challenge: those who achieve the top spot in the Bar Exams will receive a brand new house and lot, a brand new car, and 1 million pesos.


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