Beijing warns of self-destruction on plot to separate Taiwan from China

Beijing warns of self-destruction on plot to separate Taiwan from China

ADMIRAL Dong Jun, China’s Minister of National Defense, issued a grim warning to separatists and foreign forces attempting to embolden Taiwan into separating from China.

“The Taiwan question is at the core of China’s core interests and the One China principle has long become a universally recognized norm governing international relations. But what we are seeing now is that the DPP (Democratic Progressive Party) authorities in Taiwan are pursuing separation incrementally. They are bent on erasing the Chinese identity of Taiwan and severing social, historical, and cultural links across the Taiwan Strait. Those separatists recently made fanatical statements that show their betrayal of the Chinese nation and their ancestors. They will be nailed to the pillar of shame in history,” Adm. Dong Jun, China’s Minister of National Defense said.

Without naming any country, the Chinese defense minister called out external forces attempting to undermine the One China principle by emboldening Taiwan to separate from the mainland as well as selling weapons to the self-ruled island.

It can be noted that the U.S. has approved millions of dollars in arms sales to Taiwan and warned to defend the self-ruled island in the event of a Chinese invasion.

“At the same time, some external interfering forces keep hollowing out the One China principle…the danger of national division is still there,” he added.

The defense minister also left a stern warning to those supporting Taiwan independence and destroy the concept of peaceful reunification.

“The Chinese People’s Liberation Army will remain a strong force for upholding national reunification. We will take resolute actions to curb Taiwan independence and make sure such a plot never succeed. Anyone who dares to separate Taiwan from China will only end up in self-destruction,” he said.

The Chinese minister delivered his speech at the three-day Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore attended by heads of state and defense chiefs across Asia-Pacific which took place from the 31st of May through the 2nd of June.


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