Conference claims over 1,200 Chinese spies in Australia

Conference claims over 1,200 Chinese spies in Australia

A defense summit held in Australia claimed more than 1,200 Chinese spies are operating in the country.

The startling statement could endanger their warming ties following years of trade war and political differences.

China was under the spotlight in a major defense conference held in Australia’s capital Canberra.

A startling claim that more than 1,200 Chinese spies are operating in Australia was heard during the Defending Australia Summit attended by military leaders.

Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Richard Marles said China’s recent military drills off Taiwan and its defense build-up present challenges for Australia.

Marles admitted the federal government wants to keep a strong relationship with China, the country’s largest trading partner, but is attempting to reconcile its differences with the world’s second-largest economy.

China denied allegations of spying and slammed the United States and the United Kingdom for imposing sanctions over alleged Chinese government-backed cyberattacks. Beijing called the move an act of “political manipulation” by Western allies.


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