Dubai crown prince announces more women-only beaches, ambitious projects

Dubai crown prince announces more women-only beaches, ambitious projects

MORE women in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) are loving the fact that they can get more privacy during their seaside escapades while feeling relaxed and safe.

Heard of beaches exclusive only for women?

This trend has been going on in several parts of the UAE for years now and many women are starting to enjoy it.

Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai, announced ambitious initiatives for the emirate earlier this week.

The city’s up-and-coming projects include the development of more than 200 parks, the expansion of cycling tracks on beaches, extending the length of night swimming beaches by 60 percent, and the designating of new beaches exclusively for women.

The women-only beaches seek to provide safe and welcoming spaces for females seeking out a bit of relaxation and recreation.

Female visitors can just be themselves and engage in different water sports and recreational activities without concerns about modesty and security.

Such places are becoming more in demand in the UAE and are earning more positive feedback from visitors.

The exclusive beaches promote empowerment and well-being while giving female visitors a free space to connect with other ladies, making it more than just a trend but a vital part of the social fabric.

The initiative is part of the Dubai Quality of Life Strategy 2033, which is aimed at transforming the emirate into the world’s best city to live in.

Dubai has been recognized as the second-most family-friendly beach destination in the world in 2024 after Costa Rica. Beaches in the city not only offer a relaxing view but also delicious food and tons of activities that family and friends will enjoy together.


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