FPRRD: No conflict between China and Philippines over disputed territories before

FPRRD: No conflict between China and Philippines over disputed territories before

THERE was no conflict between China and the Philippines before.

This is how former President Rodrigo Duterte described the relationship between the two countries during past administrations.

His comments came after attending the National Day of Protest in Tacloban City on June 30.

“We had no conflict with China before. We were free to fish in and out in that area; no one was bothering us, and there was no issue of territory. We were not molested. We went there to fish, my countrymen to make a living undisturbed,” said former Pres. Rodrigo Roa Duterte.

Former President Duterte’s remarks coincide with renewed tensions at Ayungin Shoal, where the Philippines faced recent challenges from Chinese coast guard vessels.

Despite the ongoing disputes, Duterte asserted Filipino sovereignty over the West Philippine Sea, an area contested by multiple nations.

“I, being a Filipino, regard the contested area, although it is contested between China and us. If you ask me, that is really ours. So as a Filipino, I would insist that part of the West Philippine Sea is ours,” stated Duterte.

For now, even though the tension over the disputed territories is intensifying, FPRRD does not see the country heading toward war.

“I don’t think so. I don’t see that it would go out of control. We have not reached that level of animosity, severity, hostility with China that would warrant trouble for the country and for China. I might just say, perhaps within the diplomatic ambit, it can still be managed through policy,” he added.

Marcos Jr. admin is allowing itself to be used by Americans —FPRRD

Meanwhile, on the issue of whether the former president favors the increase of American military bases in the Philippines, this was his response.

“Never mind the people that America is using. That is part of the geopolitics of America. And the Philippines, we were used, we allowed ourselves to be used, and there is nothing we can do about it,” he added.

Throughout his presidency, Duterte claimed he did not speak with American officials.

“During my time, I do not even remember a day in the six years that I was president when I spoke with an American in Malacañang. I do not even remember receiving the American ambassador,” he also added.

The former president also emphasized the authority of the President in shaping a nation’s foreign policy.

 “In our Constitution, the sole organ for foreign relations is the president only. Not even Congress, not even the barangays. The sole organ of our foreign policy is the president. So those who are unaware, I won’t name names, but in their ignorance, they do not know. So, whatever the president says regarding foreign relations, anything outside the country, that is the president’s call and his alone,” Duterte emphasized.


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