Hamas frees 12 more hostages in exchange for 30 Palestinian prisoners

Hamas frees 12 more hostages in exchange for 30 Palestinian prisoners

10 Israelis and two Thais were freed by the Palestinian militant group as said by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu‘s office.

The Israeli Defense Forces said that the fifth batch of the hostages had safely entered the Israeli territory after they were handed to the Red Cross.

Israel’s jail services later said that it released 30 Palestinian prisoners in exchange for the said hostages.

Both sides are expected to release more hostages and prisoners on the last day of the extended 6-day ceasefire.

Meanwhile, reports emerged that negotiations over a possible second extension of the truce will include men and soldiers.

However, the report also said Israel would not agree to any discussion on a new hostage deal before the current one is fully implemented and all women and children who are held hostage are released.

It can also be remembered that Israeli forces vowed to intensify their military operations in Gaza once the truce is over.


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