Huawei unveils new operating system ‘HarmonyOS Next’

Huawei unveils new operating system ‘HarmonyOS Next’

IN a move to separate itself from the Android ecosystem, Chinese company Huawei revealed its new operating system named ‘HarmonyOS Next.’

In 2019, Huawei announced its ‘Harmony operating system (O.S.) but shortly after, the United States issued sanctions against the company, cutting it from Google’s technical support.

While the move has hampered the exponential growth of the Chinese tech giant, since then, it has developed its own operating system and its new series of smartphones will be powered by domestically developed chip set.

According to Huawei, they plan to release the developer version of the operating system in the second quarter of this year and the full commercial version in the fourth quarter.

The 360 group, an internet security solution provider in China, is among the companies developing and testing apps for the ‘HarmonyOS Next.’

Ma Xiufeng, general manager of Mobile Division of 360, said that the 360 browser is the company’s initial trial.

“We will combine the security capabilities of 360 with the privacy protection of HarmonyOS. Thanks to HarmonyOS’s advanced features, we will also support inter-application workflow and cross-device collaborations in the 360 browser,” according to Ma Xiufeng, General Manager of Mobile Division of 3.

Meanwhile, Huawei expects revenues in 2023 to have exceeded ¥700-B or $98.7-B, showing a 9% year-on-year increase.


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