Israeli volunteer describes horrific scenes along Gaza: ‘Evil like we’ve never seen before’

Israeli volunteer describes horrific scenes along Gaza: ‘Evil like we’ve never seen before’

A volunteer in Israel said the devastation along the Gaza region looked just like a scene from a horror movie and that the level of violence was the greatest he has witnessed so far in his career.

Josh Wander, the international spokesperson for ZAKA Search and Rescue Organization, is no stranger when it comes to seeing dead bodies and people dying from unnatural causes.

In the first place, he is part of a nonprofit group that operates worldwide by helping recover the dead following terror attacks and other disasters.

Wander worked as a volunteer for ZAKA for about a decade now. But even with this level of expertise, he admitted without hesitation that the deadly aftermath of the conflict between the Israeli forces and Hamas still left him horrified.

In an exclusive interview with SMNI, he shared details of the devastating scenes he and his team had witnessed as volunteers from their organization were immediately mobilized nationwide right after the deadly attack launched by Hamas.

“Quite a shocking scene. Even before we got to the actual towns that were affected, once we started going into the different areas, the shock and horror just got worse and worse. I described it as a scene from a horror movie. Seeing the mutilation, the slaughter of men, women, children, all different nationalities. We found many Thai workers that were working in the fields and outside of one of the neighborhoods. They were all murdered. It was evil like we’ve never seen before,” according to Josh Wander, Intl Spokesperson, ZAKA Search and Rescue.

Wander described the level of violence as the greatest their team has encountered which left even the most hardened and seasoned volunteers shocked.

“The scale of this is by far the greatest we have ever encountered and we have seen a lot,” Wander added.

“Even the most hardened and seasoned volunteers that I have been through many, many different events are shocked and horrified by what we’ve found. And it’s difficult both physically, psychologically for all of us to see this,” he added.

The Israeli volunteer advised the public not to accept everything they read on social media and to stick to official sources.

Wander believes Israel will be able to rise again given that the country has encountered a lot of tragedies known to history.

“Like I said we are a strong nation that has had a very long history of tragedies. We’ve gone through inquisitions. We’ve gone through crusades and we’ve gone through pogroms, holocaust. Like the phoenix, we always rise up again, and we have no doubt, our resolve is stronger than ever now to stop what has happened. And to make sure it never repeats itself in the future,” he stated.

The Israeli volunteer warned of his country’s determination to stop the evil that started the ongoing chaos.

“Just that what I’ve said the Jewish nation is a strong one. Our resolve is very strong. We’re united and we will (get) rid (of) this evil from the face of the earth. We will make sure that this does not repeat itself and we hope that all the nations including our friends in the Philippines will support us and our mission,” Wander said.

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