Millions of aphid bugs invade air of New York City

Millions of aphid bugs invade air of New York City

NEW Yorkers are currently having to deal with millions of bugs flying in the air.

In recent days and weeks, there have been several reports of severe weather such as tornadoes, thunderstorms, and heatwaves in various parts of the United States.

And as Canada faces its worst wildfire season yet, air quality in parts of the country has badly deteriorated where the worst air pollution across the globe was reported in some parts of the U.S. earlier this week.

However, it’s not just the wildfire smoke from Canada that’s polluting the skies but also the millions of bugs that are invading the air in the capital – New York City.

Due to this, New Yorkers are getting covered by these little creatures as they stick to people’s hair and clothes. Many are also having to wear face masks before going outdoors as they can enter into the mouth and nose when uncovered.

A New Yorker by the name of Martin Dupain even found these bugs came flying out after sneezing.

An entomologist from the city university of New York concluded from photos and videos circulating on social media that these bugs are winged aphids – small and soft-bodied insects that feed on plants.

They are not known to harm humans.

And the city’s health department says there is nothing to worry about.

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