PCG rescues 4 Filipinos, 4 Koreans on board distressed tourist boat in Occidental Mindoro

PCG rescues 4 Filipinos, 4 Koreans on board distressed tourist boat in Occidental Mindoro

THE Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) has rescued four Filipino crew members, one Korean dive master, and three Korean tourist passengers of a distressed tourist boat in Sablayan, Occidental Mindoro, yesterday, 26 December 2023.

The tourist boat, MBCA Monaliza experienced engine failure due to a malfunctioning clutch lining during their return journey from Discovery Diving Spot in Sablayan.

The boat captain contacted the Coast Guard Sub-Station Sablayan around 1:23PM, requesting immediate assistance.

The PCG promptly launched a search and rescue (SAR) operation and located the distressed tourist boat approximately nine nautical miles southwest of Sablayan Port.

The PCG towed the tourist boat to Sablayan Port with five crew members, including the boat captain and dive master, and the three Korean passengers, all in good physical condition:

Five crew members (including boat captain & dive master):

  1. Christian Lee Aracan, boat captain, 27 years old, Barangay Payompon, Sablayan, Occidental Mindoro
  2. Alexander Tria, crew, 37 years old, Barangay Buenavista, Sablayan, Occidental Mindoro
  3. Aldrin Pacheco, crew, 22 years old, Barangay Payompon, Sablayan, Occidental Mindoro
  4. Erick Aglinis, crew, 37 years old, Sitio Yapang, Barangay Batong Buhay, Sablayan, Occidental Mindoro
  5. Seon Cheon Choi, dive master, 36 years old, Barangay Poblacion, Sablayan, Occidental Mindoro (Korean)

Three Korean tourist passengers:

  1. Bae Woori, passenger, 32 years old, Republic of Korea
  2. Choi Soeun, passenger, 36 years old, Republic of Korea
  3. Lee Hyeokho, passenger, 32 years old, Republic of Korea

Coast Guard District Southern Tagalog Commander, CG Commodore Geronimo Tuvilla, has commended the Coast Guard Sub-Station Sablayan for their swift response, emphasizing the Coast Guard’s commitment to maritime safety.

CG Commodore Tuvilla said this recognition showcased the district’s readiness to handle emergencies, ensuring the safety of lives at sea.


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