PDEA destroys ₱9-billion worth of illegal drugs

PDEA destroys ₱9-billion worth of illegal drugs

OVER nine billion pesos worth of illegal drugs were destroyed by the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) at an Integrated Waste Management Facility in Barangay Aguado, Trece Martires City, Cavite on Thursday.

Among the items destroyed were over a ton of shabu seized at a checkpoint in Alitagtag, Batangas last April.

The destroyed illegal drugs were evidence collected from various anti-drug operations conducted by PDEA, PNP, and other law enforcement units.

Before destruction, chemists performed a color test or ‘Simon’s test’ on the evidence to verify its authenticity.

After examination, the illegal drugs were incinerated twice.

First, they were placed in a chamber heated to over 600 degrees Celsius, then transferred to a second chamber reaching over 1,000 degrees Celsius.

According to Deputy Director General for Operations Asec. Renato Gumban, this method ensures the drugs are reduced to ash and can no longer be used.

“These illicit substances must be destroyed once and for all. Their ultimate end means that they will never again fall into the wrong hands and be sold as commodities,” said Asec. Renato Gumban, Deputy Director General for Operations, PDEA.

Following this, Asec. Gumban stated that PDEA will not cease pursuing those who use and sell illegal drugs in the country.

“Again and again, we will continue to go after drug personalities, seize every drug possession, sale, and facilitate destruction activities like this until we have finally severed the cycle of illegal drug trade,” Gumban added.

PDEA monitoring sellers of magic mushrooms

Meanwhile, Asec. Gumban disclosed that a new type of illegal drug derived from mushrooms poses a significant challenge for PDEA.

The official explained that Japan provided them with information regarding this drug.

“Japan informed us that there are magic mushrooms sent from the Philippines. They extract chemicals from the mushrooms and mix them into candies and other products,” Gumban stressed.

Due to this information, PDEA is now targeting mushroom growers and considers these mushrooms as dangerous drugs.

“Because Japan said the mushrooms come from the Philippines, we are targeting those who grow mushrooms. They can grow them inside their houses. We now consider them part of dangerous drugs,” Gumban expressed.

Last May, authorities in the province of La Union arrested seven individuals selling magic mushrooms, which naturally contain chemicals that are strictly prohibited by law.


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