Atty. Panelo to PNP Chief Marbil: You’re not implementing the law

Atty. Panelo to PNP Chief Marbil: You’re not implementing the law

AFTER authorities put several Kingdom of Jesus Christ compounds under siege on Monday, former Chief Presidential Legal Counsel Atty. Salvador Panelo has a call for Philippine National Police (PNP) Chief Police General Francisco Marbil.

“I don’t understand this administration including this PNP (Philippine National Police). I don’t understand why they are following the wrong orders. They do not have a search warrant but they are going to enter the compound. What do they want?”

“They are looking for Pastor there. He’s not even there.”

“They should try going to heaven. They will surely find him there.”

“But this PNP, you know your law because that’s your job. You’re not implementing it correctly. What you did can damage President Marcos Jr.”

“According to the law, serving the warrant [of arrest] should be done properly and the time must be reasonable. Early hours in the morning – 4 o’clock? Unless there is criminal activity, that’s allowed. But they were praying…And they have also done that before so why are they changing the process?” according to Atty. Salvador ‘Sal’ Panelo, Former Chief Presidential Legal Counsel.

Atty. Panelo blasted the measures taken by the government and stressed that authorities had blown matters out of proportion because it was as if they were going to war.

Atty. Panelo to Marcos Jr: It’s difficult to defend you with these abuses

Meanwhile, Atty. Panelo called for President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. to do something about the incidents that took place at several Kingdom of Jesus Christ (KOJC) compounds on Monday.

“I’m going to call out this kind president. Will you allow these kind of abuses under your administration? It seems very difficult to defend you Mr. President if you are like that. [He was preaching against dictatorship. But what is happening is different. Actions speaks louder than words, Atty. Sal. What’s happening on the ground is different].”

“What that means is your people are not following you,” Atty. Panelo added.


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