CAAP to tighten regulations on drone usage

CAAP to tighten regulations on drone usage

AS technology advances, drone have become increasingly common, even among everyday citizens who can buy and operate them.

To address this matter, the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP) is set to release new guidelines.

CAAP emphasized the importance of compliance with rules and regulations regarding drone flights.

The new guidelines will include restrictions on flight altitude and distance, identification of no-fly zones, and comprehensive safety protocols.

CAAP also addressed privacy and security concerns, emphasizing the need to respect privacy and prohibiting drones from being used for privacy violations.

It’s also important to know and remember that there are areas where operating drones is prohibited.

Captain Ian Michael del Castillo, Head of CAAP’s Flight Operations Department, noted that updated regulations can be accessed on the CAAP website.

Under Memorandum Circular 010-2024, recreational drone usage is limited to a maximum altitude of 400 feet.

Operating drones above crowds or within a 10-kilometer radius of aerodromes or airports is strictly prohibited.

“If you’re a drone operator and you’re not aware that it’s flying in a helicopter route or crossing paths with airplanes, if the drone collides with an airplane, that’s when we encounter problems,” said Capt. Ian Michael del Castillo, CAAP.

Furthermore, drone operators must be licensed, and drones used for commercial purposes must be registered.

“If you are a hobbyist no need, up to 35 kg, but if it is specific use, then you’ll need a licensed for the operator and the drone should be a registered,” said Castillo.

Those found violating CAAP’s regulations could face fines ranging from P300-K to P500-K.

Captain Castillo further stated that CAAP will tighten drone regulations due to ongoing violations.

“Yes, and we are trying to address that for the upcoming strict regulations and more effective needs of regulations and then later on will be rolling out to the different LGU’s, that they can actually make local ordinances based on the guidelines of the CAAP,” he also added.


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