Disinformation, one of the biggest challenges facing Palestinians amid conflict with Israel—journalist

Disinformation, one of the biggest challenges facing Palestinians amid conflict with Israel—journalist

ONE of the significant challenges currently facing Palestine is the false information propagated by Western nations regarding the true situation in Gaza and the people living there.

Palestinian journalist and activist Afaf al-Najjar stated this in an exclusive interview with SMNI News.

Afaf currently resides in Gaza and believes that many people around the world are unaware of the root causes of the conflict between Palestine and Israel.

“When it comes to journalism, one of the challenges we face is that Western media supports propaganda against the Palestinian cause—what is happening with the Palestinian cause,” according to Afaf al-Najjar, Freelance Journalist, Gaza

She also pointed out that the true number of casualties caused by the conflict is not being reported because for Israel it would make them look weak and for Palestinians, they don’t have the right source of information.

“Now, when it comes to the Israeli side, they don’t want to report the numbers that they would look—Palestinian side, we can’t get the right information—that is happening in the Gaza Strip at the moment,” she added.

Journalists in Gaza are also not safe, as they are among the first targets of Israel.

“As a journalist, no one in the Gaza Strip is safe—Israel is specifically targeting Gaza journalists—you could literally die every second,” she said.

Civilians are taking refuge in schools and universities to avoid Israeli bombings. This situation is not widely known to the public because many journalists in Gaza are not fluent in English.

“When it comes to the safety of citizens—even worse,” she added.

It is not clear if a ceasefire will be established, as residents of Gaza expect the situation to worsen, and they are prepared to fight for their nation’s freedom.

“I’m not sure—how bad it gets we’re fighting for our country,” she said.


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