Ex-Pres. Duterte demands accountability for KOJC raids without warrants

Ex-Pres. Duterte demands accountability for KOJC raids without warrants

FORMER Pres. Rodrigo Duterte will not let the violation of the law and the use of force by the PNP-SAF and CIDG in their serving of an arrest warrant for Pastor Apollo C. Quiboloy and 5 others on Monday go unnoticed.

Various videos of the simultaneous raid by the Philippine National Police-Special Action Force and the Criminal Investigation and Detection Group on the compounds of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ, which spread on social media, sparked criticisms against the police.

Even though not members of KOJC, fellow Filipinos also cry for justice due to the blatant violation of human rights by the authorities.

In his latest statement on Thursday, June 13, former President Rodrigo Roa Duterte said that for the members of KOJC and all who uphold the law, June 10, 2024, will be remembered as a day of infamy.

“To members of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ church and all citizens who uphold the rule of law, June 10, 2024 will go down as a day of infamy,” statement of Former President, Rodrigo Roa Duterte | June 13, 2024.

He said that heavily armed battalions of the PNP-SAF and CIDG raided various church compounds in Barangay Buhangin and Tamayong, Davao City – at Glory Mountain, QSands Baptismal Resort, Samal Island; and at Kitbog Compound, Malungon, Sarangani province, ostensibly in a coordinated effort to serve warrants of arrest on Pastor Apollo Quiboloy.

“Heavily armed battalions of the Philippine National Police-Special Action Force and the Criminal Investigation and Detection Group raided various church compounds in Barangay Buhangin and Tamayong, Davao City; Glory Mountain in QSands Baptismal Resort, Samal Island; and Kitbog Compound, Malungon, Sarangani province ostensibly in a coordinated effort to serve warrants of arrest on Pastor Apollo Quiboloy,” statement of Former President, Rodrigo Roa Duterte | June 13, 2024.

According to Duterte, aside from the over-publicized arrest warrants, the raiding authorities did not present any search warrant for all the properties of the church they raided. This is a clear violation of the law. It was an overkill in any language.

“Except for the over-publicized arrest warrants, the raiders did not present any search warrant in all of the church properties raided by the law-enforcement agencies. This is a clear violation of the law. It was an overkill in any language,” statement of Former President, Rodrigo Roa Duterte | June 13, 2024.

This act cannot go unpunished, warns the former president.

“This act cannot go unpunished,” statement of Former President, Rodrigo Roa Duterte | June 13, 2024.

He said that while he is saddened in holding accountable the involved authorities, due to his strong support for the police and the Armed Forces of the Philippines, he must do so as the Administrator of the church’s properties.

“While I am saddened to do this given my personal, and in the past official, support for the police and the Armed Forces of the Philippines, my duties as Administrator of Church Properties demand that I take legal and appropriate action,” statement of Former President, Rodrigo Roa Duterte | June 13, 2024.

Duterte has ordered the preparation of affidavits of all members hurt and traumatized in the unfortunate incident, as well as an inventory of damaged church properties.

“In line with this, I have ordered not only the preparation of affidavits of all members aggrieved and traumatized by the said unfortunate incident but also an inventory of church properties destroyed as a consequence,” statement of Former President, Rodrigo Roa Duterte | June 13, 2024.

He also reminded not only the church but also law officials to take appropriate action because the said trespass was broadcasted on social media worldwide, sending a wrong signal that the country has become a police state with no respect for the law and religious institutions.

“It is incumbent not only upon the church but also upon officers of the law to take appropriate action considering that the said trespass was beamed by social media all over the world and thus sent the wrong signal that this country has become a police state with no respect for the law and religious institutions,” statement of Former President, Rodrigo Roa Duterte | June 13, 2024.

While the damage has been done, the opportunity is there to rectify the errors brought about by the trampling of basic rights in the conduct of this illegal raid by granting the reliefs and legal remedies provided by law.

“While the damage has been done, the opportunity is there to rectify the errors brought about by the trampling of basic rights in the conduct of this illegal raid by granting the reliefs and legal remedies provided by law,” statement of Former President, Rodrigo Roa Duterte | June 13, 2024.

Duterte also criticized the current administration.

He said that the administration’s unfortunate obsession to demonize Pastor Quiboloy even before he could be convicted by a court of law is a clear maneuver to divert attention from the deepening crisis spawned by corruption, incompetence, and abuse of power.

“It is unfortunate that the obsession of this administration to demonize Pastor Quiboloy even before he could be convicted by a court of law is a clear maneuver to divert attention from the deepening crisis spawned by corruption, incompetence and abuse of authority,” statement of Former President, Rodrigo Roa Duterte | June 13, 2024.Despite his heavy heart, he said he needs to act against those responsible for the coordinated but illegal raid. The law, he said, must be upheld.

“Again, it is with a heavy heart that I am constrained to take action against all those responsible for the coordinated but illegal raid. Notwithstanding my personal convictions, the law must be upheld,” statement of Former President, Rodrigo Roa Duterte | June 13, 2024.

Lastly, Duterte said that what happened should serve as a warning and a lesson to all who follow and implement illegal and unlawful orders, as there are serious consequences for blind obedience.

“Let this be a warning and a lesson for all those who follow and implement illegal and unlawful orders that there are grave consequences for blind obedience,” statement of Former President, Rodrigo Roa Duterte | June 13, 2024.


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