Highlighting the Filipino food culture through the Philippine Eatsperience

Highlighting the Filipino food culture through the Philippine Eatsperience

SPEAKING before guests from partner government agencies, members of the diplomatic corps and invited guests, the Tourism Secretary Christina Garcia Frasco zeroed in on the Department’s efforts in promoting the Filipino brand and identity in all aspects of travel.

“Today we gather here at Rizal Park not just to savor the sumptuous flavors that our nation offers but to recognize Filipino food and cuisines as pivotal to our cultural heritage. The Department of Tourism is fully committed to the task of preserving and elevating our culinary assets on both the domestic and international tourism markets” she said.

As part of the DOT’s flagship project, the Philippine Experience Program (PEP), Eatsperience celebrates the Filipino Fiesta, recognizing the pivotal role of food and gastronomy in shaping the country’s tourism landscape.

“This Philippine Eatsperience is a component of the Philippines Experience, and it highligts one of the most enjoyable things that you can experience when you visit or when you live in the Philippines, the Filipino Fiesta,” the Tourism Chief added.

Quoting from the 2023 to 2028 National Tourism Development Plan, the country’s tourism roadmap, Secretary Frasco said the DOT strives to offer travelers an authentic taste of Filipino hospitality, while visiting top destinations like Rizal Park and Intramuros.

“We are crafting unique culinary tours and circuits that allow connoisseurs and travelers alike to explore our gastronomic delights and traditions akin to explore our gastronomic delights and traditions. Throughout these, we aim to showcase the diversity and richness of our culinary traditions,” Secretary Frasco explained, promising to elevate the Philippine tourism experience.


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