Hontiveros’ Senate Resolution 884 has chilling effect on PH legislature

Hontiveros’ Senate Resolution 884 has chilling effect on PH legislature

THE general counsel of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ is deeply concerned by the government’s non-stop harassment on Pastor Apollo C. Quiboloy and the said congregation, especially following the inhumane raids on its properties on Monday.

The lawyer is convinced that this is connected to the good pastor’s lawsuit in the United States and Atty. Michael Jay Green says the U.S. Government has spent a lot of money on this case. He added that the measures taken by the government against Pastor Apollo and the Kingdom of Jesus Christ would not have been possible without the approval of President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.

“And the investigation that was done by Risa Hontiveros. I mean, I read her resolution and frankly, I thought I was in a third world country. I never saw anyone with the responsibility of a representative – someone that the people elect and they trust to write that kind of resolution I read. I was just, I was almost speechless. That’s why I felt compelled as general counsel to write Senator Zubiri about what that senator had done and I sent her a copy of course,” according to Atty. Michael Jay Green, General Counsel, Kingdom of Jesus Christ.

Speechless… due to the chilling effect it has on the legislature of the Philippines.

This was the reaction of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ (KOJC’s) General Counsel Atty. Michael Jay Green upon learning of Risa Hontiveros’ filing Senate Resolution 884 against Pastor Apollo C. Quiboloy.

In an interview on SMNI News on Friday, June 14th, Atty. Green said this prompted him to write a letter to former Senate President Juan Miguel ‘Migz’ Zubiri.

The lawyer stressed that the accusations of Hontiveros were “grossly misplaced allegations”.

“The horrible effect of what she did, and I had a copy of her resolution that caused me to have this chilling effect on me as general counsel to write your Senate President was she basically said that the pastor had committed the crimes – that he was already guilty of the crimes. She says, “considering that the crimes were committed within the jurisdiction of the Philippines,” Atty. Atty. Green added.

“Her resolution, frankly, was a very chilling effect on all lawyers and should be a very chilling effect on everyone in your legislature in the Philippines,” Atty. Green added.

Atty. Green clarified in his letter to Senator Zubiri that should the allegations by informants be proven untrue, the KOJC and its ministry could be irreparably damaged.

Meanwhile, former Chief Presidential Legal Counsel Atty. Salvador Panelo highlighted Hontiveros’ reputation in the Philippines.

“That lady senator you’re referring to earlier is notoriously known in this country to subject persons they investigated in her committee and besmirch their reputation and try them by publicity. The reason obviously is not in aid of legislation but for publicity – to make herself politically relevant,” Atty. Salvador ‘Sal’ Panelo, Former Chief Presidential Legal Counsel Stated

Even before Hontiveros filed Senate Resolution 884, Pastor Apollo C. Quiboloy already had a lawsuit in the United States.

Government’s abuse of power vs Pastor ACQ not possible without Marcos Jr’s approval

Atty. Green believes that this is connected to the act of the Philippine Department of Justice reviving the good pastor’s case against him in Davao City which the court had already dismissed twice.

It can be recalled that this is concurrent to the time both Houses of the Philippine Congress was summoning Pastor Apollo.

Meanwhile, Atty. Green stressed that the abuse of power by the current administration would not have been possible without the approval of President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.

“I have to say this and I, it kind of hurts me a little bit to do this but I don’t they ever would have done this if they didn’t have the backing of your president. I mean, and I’m not talking about your former president who was one of the great honors of my life having dinner with former President Duterte twice. But I don’t think they ever would have gotten away with this unless they had a hundred percent backing from President Marcos – I don’t believe that. The people, in my view, the people in the Philippines deserve better,” added Green.

Beginning the year 2021, Pastor Apollo C. Quiboloy has had a superseding indictment in America.

Only now in the time of President Marcos Jr. That the good pastor is being extremely harassed by the government as this did not happen during the Duterte administration nor previous administrations.

No relationship between Duterte, Pastor ACQ could exist if accusations were true

On the other hand, Atty. Green is convinced that if former President Rodrigo Duterte believed even for a second the grave accusations against his friend Pastor Apollo C. Quiboloy to be true then no relationship would have ever existed between the two.

“I say this with complete conviction: if your former president believed for one second this pastor – your pastor, I don’t yours at your church but Pastor Quiboloy was ever involved in sex trafficking, there wouldn’t be a word said among the two of them. He would disown this pastor in a heartbeat. A man that I saw to be as righteous as I’ve seen him to be and the love that people have for him, if he really believed that this was going on and it wasn’t a witch hunt, the relationship between and former President Duterte could never exist, and I believe that from the bottom of my heart,” Green stated.

“Your perception of former President Rodrigo Roa Duterte is 100% accurate,” added Atty. Panelo.

In the end, Atty. Green still hopes that justice will prevail for Pastor Apollo C. Quiboloy as there is no truth in the accusations thrown against him.

The general counsel of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ also believes that the good pastor will surely be able to overcome all these trials.


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