India refuses to sign communique on Ukraine Peace Summit, Russia calls event waste of time

India refuses to sign communique on Ukraine Peace Summit, Russia calls event waste of time

INSTEAD of following the majority, India took a stand and chose the narrow road by joining more than a dozen countries, mostly from the so-called Global South, to not sign a proposal that insisted the “territorial integrity” of Ukraine should be the basis for any peace agreement to end its war with Russia.

Only options acceptable to both parties can lead to abiding peace.

Pavan Kapoor, India’s Secretary for its external affairs ministry, made the statement as he represented India at the Ukraine peace summit in Switzerland held on the 15th and 16th of June.

He came on behalf of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi who failed to show up after attending the G7 summit in Italy.

Defending India’s stance, the Indian diplomat said that all parties involved in the conflict need to be part of the negotiations and that the options presented must be acceptable to both Russia and Ukraine.

Russia’s absence and not being given a chance to present and be heard of its proposals towards achieving peace with Ukraine sparked doubt if a lasting peace is truly possible in this manner.

The event was attended by delegates from more than 100 countries which include organizations and several heads of state.

Russia was not invited while China decided not to attend the international gathering.

At least 84 nations signed the joint communique. More than a dozen countries such as BRICS member states India and Brazil have not signed the proposal together with Saudi Arabia, South Africa, the UAE, Thailand, Indonesia, Armenia, Bahrain, Colombia, Libya, Mexico, and Suriname.

Although the number of nations that did not sign were fewer than those that did, the initiative speaks volumes as it showed the summit failed to gain the kind of support Ukraine was hoping for from the Global South.

India’s decision to not join the clamor against Russia draws criticisms from the United States and its Western allies as New Delhi tries to maintain a strategic balance in its ties with Moscow and Washington.


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