Kill if necessary?: Thousands of Queenslanders support bill to use lethal force vs. home intruders

Kill if necessary?: Thousands of Queenslanders support bill to use lethal force vs. home intruders

A controversial bill proposing home owners use deadly force against intruders is gaining massive support in Australia. The extreme measure adopted by the united states authorizes residents to kill intruders to defend themselves if passed into law.

How far will you go to protect your “castle”?

In the Australian state of Queensland, the so-called Castle Law Bill has been causing division among residents and experts since it was introduced last month.

The number of Queenslanders who signed a petition to pass the law in Australia has increased to 40,000 in just a few weeks.

Once passed into law, the measure will allow Queenslanders to kill home intruders or cause severe bodily harm if necessary, without legal consequences.

Katter’s Australian Party which introduced the bill last month and proposed amendment to Queensland’s Criminal Code confirmed that the petition has now been introduced to the parliament for future discussions.

The party’s Deputy leader Nick Dametto argued the bill will give homeowners the power to defend themselves and their loved ones in extreme situations “where crime has gotten out of control” without the worry of legal consequences.

However, some threw caution at the controversial bill, warning that enforcement of the measure would allow intruders to improvise by bringing bigger and better weapons.

Queensland Law Society president Rebecca Fogerty for her part said the way the laws were drafted is equivalent to a form of a state-sanctioned murder, adding that existing laws allowing for reasonable force to be used to defend a person or property works for now.


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