Legal expert slams ICC’s entry into Philippines, considers it a blatant insult to Filipino lawyers

Legal expert slams ICC’s entry into Philippines, considers it a blatant insult to Filipino lawyers

THE Department of Justice is preparing a briefing to inform President Bongbong Marcos of the possible steps the government might take regarding the International Criminal Court (ICC).

The ICC is targeting former President Rodrigo Duterte, along with some retired police generals including Senator Ronald dela Rosa, regarding the war on drugs during the previous administration.

However, according to Senator Francis Escudero, there’s no need to publicize or issue a press statement about the DOJ’s briefing plan to the President.

“What I don’t understand is why a presscon had to be called to announce something that is in the ‘normal course of things’ or as it should be…” said Sen. Francis ‘Chiz’ Escudero.

Escudero stated that the administration is only fueling tensions between the Marcoses and the Dutertes even more.

“Surely, such actions are not helping cool down or mend tensions between the Dutertes and the Marcoses,” Escudero added.

This is amid the MAISUG Peace Rally where former President Duterte criticized the policies of the current administration, especially the issue of Charter Change.

However, for US-based Law Professor Atty. Arnedo Valera, it would be a huge insult to all lawyers in the Philippines if the Marcos Jr. administration allows the ICC to enter the country.

It’s clear that the justice system in the country, particularly its courts, is functioning.

“As a lawyer, that’s a huge insult to all lawyers. Allowing an international entity to enter and interfere without any accountability, even to the United Nations,” Atty. Arnedo Valera, Law Expert stated.

Valera stressed that all lawyers should question the ICC and reject the Philippines being subjected to political manipulation.

“Allowing an entity subject to political manipulation to intervene and pass judgment in our country’s legal system, when we have the capability to prosecute, is unacceptable,” Valera stressed.

The Presidential Communications Office previously clarified that President Marcos Jr.’s position against the ICC remains unchanged.

And that the ICC briefer by the DOJ is just standard procedure.

“The President’s stance on the ICC remains clear and consistent. However, it is the duty of the Department of Justice to explore all legal avenues and ensure that the President is fully informed of his options. This is standard procedure, not a change in position, ensuring that our administration remains prepared for any scenario,” said Sec. Cheloy Garafil | Presidential Communications Office.

“First, they release a statement confirming our previous position, that we do not recognize the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court,” Valera added.

Aside from the Philippines, major countries are also against the ICC.

The Philippines withdrew from the ICC during the Duterte Administration due to its interference in the drug war.

Duterte vehemently opposed the foreign ICC’s interference in the administration’s policies.

“Even major countries like India, China, the US, and Russia do not recognize the ICC because of its lack of accountability,” Valera said.

The law expert believes that as long as the MAISUG rallies of FPRRD continue, the threat of the ICC will persist.

It’s a painful retaliation against the former President who facilitated the transfer to the Heroes’ Cemetery for former President Ferdinand E. Marcos Sr.—a dictator and the father of the current President.

It’s a risky move, capitalizing on the strong political will of veteran Duterte.

“Unless he’s saying now that he’s changing his stance? Because it seems like what the DOJ and the administration are doing is a trap or intimidation for the Duterte administration,” Valera stated.


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