Mount St. Helens records over 400 earthquakes since Mid-July

Mount St. Helens records over 400 earthquakes since Mid-July

MOUNT St. Helens has had over 400 small earthquakes since mid-July, but experts say there’s no sign of a big eruption.

The quakes, mostly too tiny to feel, aren’t causing major changes in the volcano. The US Geological Survey (USGS) assures everyone that things are normal.r

Wes Thelen from the USGS explained that these small quakes mean the volcano is just doing its usual thing underground.

It’s not like the big eruption in 1980 that caused a landslide.

Even though there’s more seismic activity, experts say there’s no need to worry right now. They’re keeping an eye on Mount St. Helens and promise to tell everyone immediately if anything changes.


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