NATO-member Hungary opposes weapon deliveries to Ukraine

NATO-member Hungary opposes weapon deliveries to Ukraine

HUNGARY expressed opposition to any weapon deliveries to Ukraine and especially stands against the use of cluster munitions.

According to Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto, the solutions must come at the negotiating table and not on the battlefield.

“Generally speaking, we are against the usage of such weapons because they are extremely dangerous. And they can put the lives of civilians at risk, very badly. So it’s not an accident that we have joined the global initiative to ban the cluster bombs. So we are absolutely not happy with the decision of the United States in this regard. And we do see it has a decision which can bring further suffering and further casualties. More generally speaking, we definitely don’t like any weapon deliveries to Ukraine,” Peter Szijjarto, Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade said.

The Hungarian foreign minister stated that the more weapons are sent to Ukraine, the longer the conflict will last, and the higher the number of deaths and injuries will be.

He also emphasized concerted efforts to bring about a ceasefire and called on all sides involved to resolve the crisis through negotiations, not through fighting.

“We don’t see any battleground solution. We only see solutions around the negotiating table. We only see the diplomatic solution. There is no solution on the battlefield, but there are casualties on the battlefield. The more days, the more casualties. So, therefore, we should stop it, we should stop it for all,” he added.

It can be remembered that the U.S. in early July announced that it will deliver cluster munitions to Ukraine as part of the  800 million U.S. dollars, a decision which has elicited sharp criticism worldwide, not least from Hungary.

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