Philippines should not be swayed by U.S. amid tensions in WPS—MNLF Spokesperson

Philippines should not be swayed by U.S. amid tensions in WPS—MNLF Spokesperson

THE current administration is putting the country at risk, this is the warning of the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) amid the escalating tensions in the disputed waters of the West Philippine Sea (WPS).

MNLF Spokesperson Atty. Emmanuel Fontanilla pointed out the alarming closeness of President Bongbong Marcos to the United States.

“The act of our president is putting the Philippines in a possible war— between China and the Philippines. We already know the disparity of the situation, so we are afraid that if he starts the war because of his unjust actions, our country will be in great danger,” said Atty. Emmanuel Fontanilla – Spokesperson, MNLF.

Fontanilla pointed out that it is better to resolve the tension through dialogue instead of seeking allies.

“We should not be swayed by America. Look at what’s happening in Gaza, the war has not ended because America is buying war materials from Israel, and the war in Ukraine has not ended because the USA is buying war materials from Ukraine,” Atty. Emmanuel Fontanilla – Spokesperson, MNLF stated.

The MNLF spokesperson also believes that if war breaks out between the Philippines and China, America will not help despite its repeated promises of helping the Philippines.

This, he says, is because America owes a huge debt to China.

What’s even more unfortunate, according to Fontanilla, is that America is just toying with the Philippines.

Fontanilla also has a question to the current administration.

“What are we? Are we— are we a puppet of America? or the biggest puppet there is in Malacañang. What is that?” Fontanilla added.

Aside from the possible war over the disputed waters, MNLF Spokesperson Fontanilla also pointed out the possibility of Philippines getting dragged in a war between China and Taiwan since most of America’s military bases are in the Philippines.


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