UN asked to investigate gov’t human rights violations and harassment of KOJC

UN asked to investigate gov’t human rights violations and harassment of KOJC

CCTV footage and other videos showing the inhumane treatment of innocent missionary workers of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ (KOJC) have spread widely both inside and outside the Philippines, causing shock and outrage among the public.

During the serving of an arrest warrant on June 10 at the religious compounds of KOJC, the police presence was excessive. Officers were clad in full battle gear and armed with high-caliber guns as if preparing for a war.

Moreover, the police forcibly entered the KOJC religious compounds, notably at Glory Mountain, where they broke the gate without a search warrant.

This police action inflicted severe trauma on the KOJC missionaries, particularly women and children.

Their frustration grew when the police distorted the true events of the raid.

Despite these hardships faced by KOJC missionaries, there has been a noticeable absence of response from self-proclaimed human rights advocates in the Philippines.

Therefore, international human rights lawyer Atty. Arnedo Valera has decided to file a petition at the United Nations headquarters.

This petition seeks to investigate the alleged systematic human rights violations by the Marcos administration.

“We are now bringing the ongoing abuse of power by our police— together with the Philippine government who endorsed it— to the United Nations. We have crafted a strong letter addressed to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres,” according to Atty. Arnedo Valera – International Human Rights Lawyer | President, HNM USA.

The petition highlights the police’s excessive use of force during the arrest warrant operation, their disregard for sacred places, and the resulting trauma inflicted on women and children.

“I condemn this and call for an immediate international investigation into the systematic human rights violations by the Philippine government,” said Valera.

In addition to the harassment of KOJC, the petition includes other grievances, including the suppression of free speech by blocking the Maisug Rally.

Valera urges the United Nations to swiftly address these violations outlined in international human rights treaties and conventions, of which the Philippines is a signatory member.

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