19th Anniversary of the Power of the Air

19th Anniversary of the Power of the Air

19th Anniversary of the Power of the Air.

On every 25th of December, the whole world celebrates the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, who came down here on earth two thousand years ago to redeem what we have lost and to save us from sin through the power of His love.

And to the Kingdom Nation of Sons and Daughters of the Almighty Father, we have another reason to celebrate this day.

In the annals of Kingdom history, exactly nineteen years ago, on December 25, 2004, the Almighty Father handed Pastor Apollo the Power of the Air as his inheritance.

In a world tainted by the grip of evil, the voice of truth, justice, and righteousness is silenced, rendered powerless, and goes unheard, but through the voice of the Appointed Son, Pastor Apollo C. Quiboloy, who is the Almighty Father’s conduit on Earth, His Audible Voice, His Mouthpiece, His Emissary, His temple, the righteous found hope, strength, and bravery to stand for what is right, to speak the truth without any fear or favor.

Throughout the years of the Appointed Son’s ministry, we have witnessed the manifestations of all the revelations and promises that the Almighty Father has given His Appointed Son.

And the devil knows that when the Son speaks, the whole world listens. That is why he is trying to suppress the Power of the Air given to the Son, but as faithful and victorious warriors of the Almighty Father, we know that for every victory, there is always a battle to fight, and before sunrise, one must live through the night.

We will remain unfazed in the midst of this spiritual battle, for we have Him with us. He is our refuge, our haven, and our protector.

The Father Almighty will be the one to bring us victory, and with Him through His Appointed Son, Pastor Apollo C. Quiboloy, we will always be victorious. Praise His Mighty Name forever!

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