Davao City Council backs statement condemning unjust termination of MinDA Chair

Davao City Council backs statement condemning unjust termination of MinDA Chair

FOLLOWING the unwarranted termination of Mindanao Development Association (MinDA) Secretary, Maria Belen “Mabel” Acosta, the Davao City Council expressed its support against her removal through a resolution passed during the 20th regular session of the city council.

Acosta was appointed in January 2022 and has consistently enforced the MinDA laws in safeguarding peace and development in Mindanao.

However, the current administration has terminated Acosta without prior notice and with the absence of any pending civil, criminal, or administrative case tantamount to a complete lack of cause for removal.

On May 26, 2024, City Mayor Sebastian “Baste” Duterte released an official statement expressing his support against the removal of Acosta as the chairperson of MinDA, and his dismay at the actions taken by the current administration appointing a new MinDA chairperson without due process.

The City Council then passed a resolution in support of Duterte’s statement with emphasis on his call to stand in solidarity with Secretary Acosta and her pursuit of truth. CIO


Editor’s Note: This article has been sourced from the City Government of Davao Facebook Page.


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